Toll Free (800) 624-3750 - Local (714) 965-2800 18837 Brookhurst St., Ste. 209, Fountain Valley, CA 92708-7302
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Type of facility
Is the facility or organization accredited?
If so, is it Joint Commission, HFAP, DNV, or Other?:
We will provide a free response to one accreditation question! What is your specific question?
What services are you interested in?
SELECT ONETJC AccreditationNursing ManagementMedicare Certification & LicensureHuman Resources ManagementPerformance Improvement & Patient SafetyInfection ControlHIPAAClinical Laboratory Management CLIAMedical Staff ServicesFacility Management and AdministrationEnvironment of Care (EOC)Other
If other please specify:
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